By Michael Richards
I have had my share of conversations with many atheists in my time and their critique of Christians are not very flattering. “Christians are a bunch of hypocrites,” says the average atheist. “They go around telling others that they are going to hell and yet they are no holy angels themselves. Why I met this one holier-than-thou Christian, whose past is anything but holy. Why don't these Christians just keep their mouth shut and let us live on in peace.” If you are an atheist (or someone who does not like Christians in general), I hope this accurately represents your views of us because I want to show you why you are wrong.
The reason we tell you that you are a sinner and will go to Hell is not because that's what we want for you; its because we want you to go to heaven with us. Its like telling someone not to put their hands on a burning stove. One tells the person not because they want them to get burned, they tell them so that they don't get burned.
Now the argument may continue, “Well if your God is so loving why does He send people to Hell? Why can't everyone go to Heaven? Also, I heard God was rough to people in the Old Testament.” Valid questions indeed and none of these have passed my notice. God does not want people to go to Hell, it is our sin that convicts us. In fact, let Him speak for Himself, "Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die, saith the Lord GOD, and not that he should return from his ways and live?” (Ezekiel 18:23 NKJV) “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” (Ezekiel 33:11 KJV) Although God is patient and kind, He is also a God of Justice as well. Look at some of the things that people did in the Old Testament and ask yourself how you would feel constantly seeing and hearing the one's you love torment each other in the ways they did. All the lies and deceit constantly ringing in your ears. God can't stand sin as His nature is pure and thus is compelled to eliminate sin however He can. Its not that He hates sinners, but He is compelled to hate sin due to His pure nature.
You see, God made us in His image and when we sin we do not live up to the standards that God want's us to live up to. “Well how does one not sin? Even your Bible claims that all are sinners? How do you or I or anyone else for that matter get to Heaven?” Good Question and I am glad that this question comes up in my conversations. You see it is impossible for us to wash away all of our sins. However, in God all things are possible. I am sure you heard of this guy named Jesus. Yeah that one. Did you know that He is God in flesh? Yes God made Himself man and came down to be born on earth to live as a human being.
See Jesus, also came to die and act as a sacrifice for our sins. He lived a perfect life, free from sin and was nailed to a cross. He died there, still loving His tormentors, and asking His Father to forgive those who did that to Him. When He died, He took all of the sins of those who confess that they believe in him and threw them in Hell. He rose on the third day and conquered death (which is the penalty of sin). All one has to do is confess with their mouth that they are a sinner, and believe that Christ died on the cross for their sins, rose again on the third day, and is now seated next to His father in Heaven.
It is only your sins that are keeping you away from Heaven and your disbelief in God. We tell you this for the same reason anyone who loved someone would tell them not to put their hand on a burning stove. Now some Christians are judgmental, believe me I know. But this isn't about them, its about you. So ask Jesus to forgive your sins, read the Bible ( Book of John is a great place to start), join a church and repent of those sins. You may walk away from this not believing. However, this plea is for you. The bible says to love others as I love myself. If I didn't care for you, I wouldn't take my time to write this. If you still don't believe, at least I hope you understand and I pray that one day you will come to the Lord. If you are a Christian, I hope this will act as a good tool for helping non-Christians you know to come to know Christ.
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